
ostentatious怎么读: 音标[.ɒsten'teiʃәs]
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◎ ostentatious是什么意思

a. 装饰表面的, 铺张的, 夸示的, 华美的, 显眼的

a. intended to attract notice and impress others
s. (of a display) tawdry or vulgar


1. Drowning in that ostentatious pool of his.


2. He was pretty ostentatious and he was flamboyant, but wellliked.

他很浮夸 很爱卖弄 不过挺招人喜欢的

3. A grand affair would be vulgar and ostentatious.


4. When he was born, all the nurses said it was impressive, but not ostentatious.

他出生的时候 所有的* 都说它很惊人 但并不夸张

5. Somebody of your type like something a little bit more ostentatious.


6. Such ostentatious displays of wealth no doubt attracted the attention of some vile, criminal element.

这样炫耀财富 难怪会吸引*罪犯的注意

7. Every now and then, you dilate your left pupil ostentatiously, I might add in an effort to cheat me into thinking that you have a tell.

你会时不时地 放大你的左瞳孔 我不得不说 非常明显 就为了来骗我 让我误以为你有露马脚的小动作

8. Christianity was unoriginal in many ways but the one really new idea it had was its distaste for wealth, for extravagance and for ostentatious display.

*教虽然在很多方面并非独创 但有一点确实独一无二的 那就是它表现出对财富 对奢侈和浮夸的厌恶
