
vilely怎么读: 音标['vaɪllɪ]
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◎ vilely是什么意思

adv. 讨厌地, 卑劣地

r. in a vile manner


1. No, it's just a vile rumor, just a vile rumor.

不 这是卑鄙的谣言 只是谣言

2. Very vilely in the morning when he's sober and most vilely in the afternoon when he's drunk.

他清晨醒酒之时便极为讨厌 下午酒醉之时更为讨厌

3. It's vile, but they're welcome to it, after I'm done with them.

很卑鄙 但我用过他们之后 他们爱怎么赚钱都行

4. I was rude, I was vile, I was queer, I was myself.

我口无遮拦 我卑鄙 我妖里妖气 我是我自己

5. In the district there is a vile up on constitution.


6. This is vile blasphemy, and you will hang for it.

这是对神明的恶意亵渎 你会为此被绞死

7. But the truly vile do stand out through the years.


8. very vile things, and I'd rather leave it at that.

非常脏的话 我也不想和他吵

9. And you, you vile insect, took that away from her.

而你这个卑鄙小人 把这个机会从她手中夺走了

10. A vile attempt... to blacken my name.

