
swank怎么读: 音标[swæŋk]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ swank是什么意思

vi. 出风头, 炫耀
n. 出风头, 炫耀, 虚张声势, 优雅

s. imposingly fashionable and elegant


1. It's all terribly swank, not a bit what we're used to.

真是好排场 跟平时大不一样呢

2. You wouldn't be the first killer to bring me in out of pure swank.

以前也有凶手叫我来 只是单纯地为了炫耀

3. This is chez fray supes swank and tuna tartare so totes tight it'll make your face melt.

这里是弗雷家 最潮的餐厅 这里的吞拿鱼鞑靼 酥到可以融化你的脸

4. And sometimes I'd go with him in the wagon to these bigmoney neighborhoods uptown, mansions and swank apartment houses, and everything was just so clean.

有时我会坐在货车里和他一起去 到上城区的富人区 那里都是豪宅和奢华公寓 所有东西都是那么干净

5. They abandoned their swank estates, secretly moving to new homes, where they could continue running their empire without setting foot in one of their legitimate businesses.

他们放弃了他们奢华的房产 秘密搬进新家 他们可以在那继续统治他们的帝国 而不用踏入他们合法的公司
