
cannabis怎么读: 音标['kænәbis]
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◎ cannabis是什么意思

n. 大麻
[化] 大麻

n. any plant of the genus Cannabis; a coarse bushy annual with palmate leaves and clusters of small green flowers; yields tough fibers and narcotic drugs
n. the most commonly used illicit drug; considered a soft drug, it consists of the dried leaves of the hemp plant; smoked or chewed for euphoric effect


1. Cannabis lawyer, cannabis activist, and just before I opened the door, cannabis user.

大麻律师 大麻活动家 在我打开店门前 还是大麻吸食者

2. I was surprised to find out that cannabis, the chemistry of cannabis, was not well known.

我最早很惊讶 关于大麻 大麻的化学性质还没有深入的研究

3. And that's important because if a less harmful cannabis is not enjoyable, then people won't use it and they'll go back to street cannabis and still be exposed to that kind of harm.

这点很重要 因为如果副作用较小的大麻不让人愉悦的话 那人们也不会使用它 他们就会再次选择街头大麻 仍然会遭受那些伤害

4. He's had no medical cannabis for a month.


5. He got his degree from the university of cannabis.


6. I've been using cannabis to help with my chemo.

为了帮助我化疗 我已经开始使用大麻了

7. Here, have some cannabis massage oil, on the house.

给 这是大麻*油 送你了

8. and your legacy, and the future of the cannabis industry.

和你的事业 还有大麻产业的未来

9. I didn't say I was a fine purveyor of cannabis.


10. You know, they've been doing some interesting studies with cannabis.

知道吗 他们在做 一些关于大麻的很有意思的研究
