
poll怎么读: 音标[pәul]
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◎ poll是什么意思

n. 投票, 民意测验, 选举投票, 投票数, 一组人中的一个, 头颈和后脑部, 鹦鹉
vt. 对...进行民意测验, 获得...票, 剪树枝, 轮询
vi. 投票
a. 剪过毛的, 修过枝的
[计] 轮询

n. an inquiry into public opinion conducted by interviewing a random sample of people
n. the part of the head between the ears
n. a tame parrot
n. the counting of votes (as in an election)


1. They read the polls; everybody reads the polls.

他们会看民调 大家都会看民调

2. Currently the polls say I don't care about the polls.

最近的*调查显示... 我不关心

3. But this poll was conducted no differently than prior polls.


4. I've been doing some of my own polling.


5. They did a poll, an approval poll, to see how the news was landing, and apparently... I tested through the roof.

为了知道新闻播出的反应 他们做了关于支持率的*调查 结果 我的支持率很高

6. With polling closed we're about to release the results of the exit polls, which have correctly predicted the outcome for the past four elections.

随着投票即将结束 我们将会 公布计票民调的结果 这些民调在前四次选举中 都正确地预测了投票结果

7. The polls are in, and you're doing great.

民調結果出來了 你的結果不錯

8. This is a poll. It's a wakeup call.

是*调查啊 是个唤醒你的*调查

9. Louise, you were second in the poll.

露易丝 你是*投票的第二名

10. You were leading in the polls at the time.

当时的民调显示 你是领先的
