
malleolus怎么读: 音标[mә'li:әlәs]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ malleolus是什么意思

n. 踝
[医] 踝

n. A projection at the distal end of each bone of the leg
at the ankle joint. The malleolus of the tibia is the internal
projection, that of the fibula the external.
n. " A layer, " a shoot partly buried in the ground, and
there cut halfway through.


1. Both her cuboid and medial malleolus show signs of wear.


2. Partial thickness, and there's a *all blister below the medial malleolus.

部分皮层烧伤 内踝下方有个小水泡

3. No, the striations on the medial malleolus indicate his ankles were also bound.

内踝骨上的擦痕 表明他的脚踝也是被绑在一起的

4. Residue on the medial malleolus might tell us what restraints were used.

内踝上的残留物或许 可以告诉我们她是被什么绑着的

5. I found some interesting striations on the left styloid process, talus and medial malleolus.

我找到了一些有趣的条纹 在左侧茎突 距骨和内踝上

6. I found a lateral malleolus fragment with a *all section of the medullary cavity intact.

我发现了一块外脚踝碎片中 有一小段完好无损的髓腔
