
arming怎么读: 音标['ɑ:miŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ arming是什么意思

n. 战斗准备, 装弹

n. the act of equiping with weapons in preparation for war


1. He was laughing with her, even arm in arm.

他和她一起說笑 甚至挽在了一起

2. Jerry can't move his arms if he has no arms.


3. In the beginning, it was my brain, my arm, and the robotic arm.


4. Well, I think it's where your arm is, but, like, under your arm.

我想就在你手臂下面 但是 就像 在你的胳膊下面

5. I don't wanna arm wrestle, it hurts my arm.

我不想扳手腕 会伤着我的胳膊

6. All of you combined, locked arm in arm, are stronger than you know.

你们所有人在一起 手挽着手 比你想的要强壮得多

7. With their right arm palmup left arm palmdown.

右手手心朝上 左手手心朝下

8. You came to our home, pretty much arm in arm.


9. here I am strolling arm in arm with someone who murdered her hu*and.

我在和一个杀了自己丈夫的人 挽着手走着

10. You and I are now free to go out there, in front of the world, arm in arm.

你我现在可以公开了 在世人面前携手出现
