
theologian怎么读: 音标[.θi:ә'lәudʒәn]
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◎ theologian是什么意思

n. 神学者

n. someone who is learned in theology or who speculates about theology


1. First, as a theologian, and then as a prisoner.

先是作为神学者 后来是作为囚犯

2. The answer to what theologians have pondered for millennia.

答案被神学家 思考了千年

3. Medieval theologians reinterpreted those passages to be about a single monstrous enemy.

中世纪的神学家重新诠释了这些* 将其具化成一个单一的可怕敌人

4. It's a question asked by poets, and philosophers, and theologians since time immemorial.

这是个诗人 哲学家 神学家 亘古至今的自问话题
