
Stanton怎么读: 音标['stɑ:ntәn, 'stæntәn]
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◎ Stanton是什么意思

n. 斯坦顿(m.)

n. United States suffragist and feminist; called for reform of the practices that perpetuated sexual inequality (1815-1902)


1. Stanton, you're being duped by a cold reader.

斯坦顿 你被一个能看透人心的人骗了

2. Stanton, the tortellini is stuffed by hand, and I only got two of them.

斯坦顿 我这意式水饺可是纯手工的 我只有两只手 忙不过来的

3. Stanton chose an inappropriate play, we chose a more appropriate school.

斯坦顿选择了一出不妥当的戏剧 我们就选择更妥当的学校

4. Stanton was the prosecutor who put away the guy that killed my dad.

斯坦顿就是把杀死我父亲的凶手 绳之以法的检察官

5. If stanton is accused being dirty, my dad's killer could use that go get a new trial.

如果要指控斯坦顿徇私枉法 杀害我爸爸的凶手可能也需要重新审判
