
frilly怎么读: 音标['frili]
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◎ frilly是什么意思

a. 有饰边的, 多饰边的

s having decorative ruffles or frills


1. No pink, no lace, and no frilly flowers.

不准有粉色 不准有蕾丝花边 也不准有镶褶边的花

2. You should listen to your frilly friend if you know what's good for you.

要是你知道怎么做对自己好 就该听你穿褶边衣朋友的

3. The next one at the front is a peony, very intricate and very frilly.

旁边这个是牡丹 很复杂 有很多褶边

4. Putting a frilly, glowinthedark condom on your finger is not the same as having sex.

在手指上套了夜光保险套 和*是不一样的

5. Only thing I hate more than hearts is anything frilly or pink.

唯一让我比心更讨厌的 就是褶边和粉色了

6. Frilly top, italic label, 95p a bottle.

盖子有褶边 斜体标签 每瓶95便士

7. It was a night filled with frilly dresses, mustachioed bandleaders, and embarrassing uncles on the dance floor.

一整晚满眼都是全是褶的裙子 留小胡子的乐队指挥 还有舞池里丢人的叔叔舅舅们

8. She and her exfiance, they... they practically planned everything before they broke up: I'm talking the venue, band, catering, thethe frilly things.

她和她的前未婚夫在分手之前差不多 把方方面面都筹划好了 包括婚礼场地 乐队 招待 裙子什么的
