
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ specialized是什么意思

a. 专门的, 特别的, 专科的, 特化的, 专化的
[计] 专业化的

a. developed or designed for a special activity or function


1. Because you are special to him, so you are special on me.

因为你对他来说很重要 所以你也是我的特别来宾

2. In your special your own special way.


3. And when you experience cooking like that for the first time it becomes even more special, because it's special ingredients for special people with a special young chef.

当你第一次体验这种烹饪方式 会感到更加特别 因为这是用特别的食材 由特别的年轻大厨 为特别之人准备

4. Special, like special measures special, cos I fall short of acceptable standards.

特别 是指特别傻吧 因为我达不到 可接受标准

5. Ralph, you'll be on special teams. I'm special.

拉尔夫 你去特别队伍吧 我特别哎

6. These are special circumstances, so we're on special protocol.

这是特殊情况 所以我们有特殊规定

7. She's special in ways that you're not, and you're special in ways that she's not.

她有她的特殊之处 你有你的特殊之处

8. and our special relationship is still very special.


9. And if this girl is someone special to you, then she's special to me.

如果你觉得这女孩是你很特别的人 那我也会视她如特别之人

10. A special sash for a special little lady, who I'm sure helped raise this super pig in her own special little way.

特别的绶带送给特别的小姑娘 我相信她肯定以她特别的方式 帮忙养大这只超级猪了
