
dearie怎么读: 音标['diәri]
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◎ dearie是什么意思

n. 可爱的小宝贝, 亲亲

n a special loved one


1. Because your heart wasn't in your chest, dearie.

因为你的心不在胸膛里 亲爱的

2. Well, that's where we come in, dearie.

这就是需要我们出手的地方了 亲爱的

3. Yes, but we both know that's not you, dearie.

但我們都清楚那人不是你 親愛的

4. Then, they won't survive the winter, dearie.

那他们就别想度过这个冬天了 亲爱的

5. What's that, dearie? I don't have my glasses, you have to speak up.

什么 亲爱的 我没戴眼镜 你得大声点

6. Don't worry, deary. I'm used to cleaning up after you.

别担心 亲爱的 我习惯帮你善后了

7. Sorry, dearie, ?but he's threatening me now.

抱歉 親愛的 但他也威脅到了我

8. Well, sorry, dearie, but these are the rules.

抱歉 亲爱的 但这就是规矩

9. Dearie me. I seem to have left it in the car.

哎呀 我似乎把证件落在车里了

10. Dearie, take your sister into the other room.

迪尔 带你妹妹去另一间房间
