
taxation怎么读: 音标[tæk'seiʃәn]
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◎ taxation是什么意思

n. 课税, 征税, 抽税, 税款, 估定的税额
[经] 征税, 纳税, 税制

n. the imposition of taxes; the practice of the government in levying taxes on the subjects of a state


1. Our system of taxation also needs addressing.


2. And so the rents from natural resources are a wonderful source of taxation.

所以自然资源的租金 是一种优质税源

3. My client was hoping to avoid unnecessary taxation from the customs office.

我的客户希望能避免 被海关征收不必要的税费

4. Let it be known that the traitor responsible for the people's yoke of taxation has been executed.

让世人知道 让人们遭受苛税的叛徒 已经被处决了
