
microbrew怎么读: 音标[maɪkrəʊb'ru:]
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◎ microbrew是什么意思

n. <美>(小厂酿制供自用的)小厂啤酒


1. It's not just a beer, all right? It's a homemade microbrew with notes of barley and coconut that took me a week to make.

它不只是啤酒好吗 它是自制微酿啤酒 我花了一星期做大麦和椰子的笔记

2. I rushed the samples to the lab, and they were able to detect trace elements on the shards that made up of ingredients to the pala'ai ale, a local and seasonal pumpkin microbrew.

我让鉴证室加急处理了这些样品 他们在这些碎片上发现了一些微量元素 来源于帕拉埃麦芽酒的原料 一种本地且季节性的南瓜微酿啤酒
