
Ernie怎么读: 音标['ә:ni:]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ Ernie是什么意思

n. 摇奖机


1. Ernie, I need you to do something for me.

厄尼 我需要你为我做点事

2. Ernie, it's your show until I'm back.

厄尼 在我回来之前你做主

3. Ernie, my friend! I'm not your friend today.

厄尼 我的朋友 我今天不是你的朋友

4. Ernie, I promised him that you would shepherd him around.

厄尼 我答应他你会带他转转的

5. Ernie, you knew the breakfast was coming up.

厄尼 你知道童子军早餐就快到了

6. Ernie, look, the scrolls, they were right there.

厄尼 听着 卷轴就在那里

7. Ernie was fine, and then, you know, the food was in the bowl.

欧尼本来好好的 有食物

8. Ernie, I promised Irv that you would be his guy this trip.

厄尼 我答应了厄夫你这次会带他游玩

9. Ernie, you're supposed to go onstage with your family.

厄尼 你得和家人一起上台

10. Ernie, mooch said that he should get 90day pricing.

厄尼 穆奇说他应该获得90天的定价
