
wide怎么读: 音标[waid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ wide是什么意思

a. 宽的, 广阔的, 普遍的, 宽阔的, 广泛的, 一般的
adv. 广阔地, 遍及各处地, 广泛地
n. 大千世界

a. having great (or a certain) extent from one side to the other
a. great in degree
s. having ample fabric
s. not on target


1. "are more common than is widely known.


2. The spectrum is wide, but in my opinion, she's not on it.

自闭症多种多样 但我觉得她不是自闭

3. Why did you pull out? I was wide open.

你干嘛要撤退 我刚才很容易中招

4. For that, the academics are wide open.


5. It's too wide for one of those creatures.


6. That's how you ended up wide open out there.

这就是为什么你那块打得这么开 没人防

7. That would account for the wide extension.


8. No, it's fine, I'm... I'm wide awake.

不 没事儿 我 我很清醒

9. Maybe we could all have lunch? I am wide open.

或许我们可以一起约个午餐 我随时都有空

10. And their reach, my friend, it is far, and it is wide.

而他们 我的朋友 可没有 他们查不到的事
