
sectarian怎么读: 音标[sek'tєәriәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ sectarian是什么意思

a. 宗派的, 党派的, 偏狭的
n. 宗派成员, 闹宗派的人

n. a member of a sect
a. of or relating to or characteristic of a sect or sects
a. belonging to or characteristic of a sect


1. I mean, they're talking about this guy with real reverence, and I'm not talking sectariani*.

他们在说这个人时 是打从心底敬畏的 我不是在说宗派主义

2. The sectarian songs have been banned, but they still gather and remain loyal to the victory of 1690, and to a simpler, less tolerant time.

那些宗教歌曲都被禁了 但这些人仍聚集在一起 对1690年那场胜利效忠 对那个更简单 容忍度更低的时代效忠
