
machin怎么读: 音标[mә'tʃi:n]
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◎ machin是什么意思

n. 长尾猕猴, 食蟹猴


1. Any gadget, gizmo, machination or machine, you can master it, and the body's just a machine.

任何配件 工具 设计 机器 你都可以掌控 而身体就是一台机器

2. You get the machine, the other machine, your father's machine, then you get the soul that goes with the body.

你要把机器带来 另一台机器 你父亲的机器 然后才能要回你女儿原有的灵魂

3. An intelligent machine is a machine which can do something which, until the machine did it, was regarded as the perquisite of intelligent man.

如果机器做到了一件此前人们认为 只有智慧人类能做到的事 那么这样的机器就会被视为智能机器

4. That is our machine in therea working machine.

那里有我们的机器 运作中的机器

5. Guts in a machine equals guts in a machine.


6. They do have the machines, the newer machines that have the automatic agitators.

公司现在有新的机器 可以自动搅拌

7. But if you don't work the machine, the machine will work you.

但如果我不操纵这台机器 这台机器就会反过来操纵我

8. It's merely a machine that counts what the machine part of you is achieving.

这仅仅是一个机器 用来计算你身体的哪个零件完成了目标

9. You've seen all kinds of different machines, intelligent machines.

见过各种各样的机器 智能机器

10. But you're a man with machine parts, not a machine that thinks it's a man.

但你是个有机器零件的人类 而不是一个自认为是人类的机器人
