
innate怎么读: 音标[i'neit]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ innate是什么意思

a. 先天的, 天生的
[医] 先天的, 生来的

a not established by conditioning or learning
s being talented through inherited qualities
s present at birth but not necessarily hereditary; acquired during fetal development


1. I blame my innate sense of compassion.


2. It's not an innate thing you're born with. It's a skill.

这个不是天生就会的 这是种能力

3. And we have a certain innate endowment, but so, of course, does the machine.

同时我们具有与生俱来的天赋 但机器也同样有此天赋

4. I think that's doubtful, 'cause her powers are so innate.

我很怀疑 因为她的能力太自然了

5. Magic is an innate talent, but it must be honed through practice.

虽说魔法是人与生俱来的才能 但是也得经过后天练习才能日渐精进

6. In his young age, he has innate leadership attributes and qualities.

他年纪轻轻 但天生就有当领导的天赋和品质

7. She's a willing accomplice led by her own innate lust for power.

她是自愿 被其与生俱来的权力欲所驱使

8. I was referring to another, one that possesses innate magic.

我说的是另一个 天生就有魔法的人

9. I've always had an innate ability toto connect with people.

我一直有一种与生俱来的能力 可以和别人产生共鸣

10. "specific, innate skills present in particular individuals.

