
training怎么读: 音标['treiniŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ training是什么意思

n. 训练, 培养
[医] 训练

n. activity leading to skilled behavior


1. If you can't train me, I'll train myself.

如果你不训练我 我就自己训练

2. It's the training. It's not the training.

是因为训练 不是因为训练

3. We training them like a machine, just training, training, training.

我们把他们当做机器 不断训练 训练 训练

4. I need to train you as I was trained.


5. I get my cast off soon, and then it's back to training, training, training.

我很快就能拆石膏了 然后又要开始训练了

6. Just... train, train, train so I can get that scholarship and get into college.

就是不停训练 就是为了拿到奖学金进大学读书

7. If there's a train station, then there's probably a train.

如果这里有火车站的话 那么估计也会有火车

8. Not a train, because the last one was a train.

不是火车 因为上一个是火车

9. Hey, remember your training. I've had no training.

记住你的训练 我没受过训练

10. We train as we fight. It's the best training there is.

在实战中训练 这就是最好的训练
