
personhood怎么读: 音标['p\\:sәnhjd]
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◎ personhood是什么意思

n. 做人,人格

n. being a person


1. 华盛顿特区 to deny their humanity, their dignity, and their personhood.

同志权利* 否定他们的人性 他们的尊严 他们的人格

2. It's nothing less than the complete obliteration of a woman's personhood.

这将彻底抹去女人 所有的人格

3. It was a legitimate exploration of this idea of personhood in a legal sense and in a moral sense.

这是对"人"这一概念 在法律层面和道德层面的探究

4. We wanted to deal with the issue of what's moral and just in a society at war like this, but at the same time, we were also examining a different idea in the show which was about consciousness and personhood.

我们想解决这个问题 在这样的战时社会 什么是道德和公平 但是同时 我们也在剧中检验另一个 关于意识与人格的问题

5. I mean, I've been to memory support facilities, where there have been residents with advanced dementia who have experienced what you could call loss of personhood, but it's very hard to say that they don't have quality of life in some ways.

我曾经去过记忆辅助机构 那里有人处于晚期老年痴呆 他们失去了所谓的人格 但很难说他们就没有生活质量
