
dusting怎么读: 音标['dʌstiŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ dusting是什么意思

n. 擦灰, 殴打
[医] 撒布

v remove the dust from
v rub the dust over a surface so as to blur the outlines of a shape
v cover with a light dusting of a substance
v distribute loosely


1. Dust! I mean dust. It was covered with dust.

灰尘 我是说灰尘 都被灰尘覆盖了

2. Dusting, dust bowl, so to dust themselves, and we're on a major elephant highway here.

沙子和尘土 它们抹在自己身上 我们正在一个象道的主干道上

3. Remember that you are dust and to dust you will return.

记住 你本是尘土 仍要归于尘土

4. I went to dust the mantle earlier, no dust.

我之前去打扫灯罩 居然没有灰尘

5. Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

土归土 灰飞烟灭 尘归尘

6. It's like your little novel says, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

就像你的小小说说的 尘归尘 土归土

7. You need to dust each individual petal with petal dust, tape them together, steam them.

要把花粉撒上每一个花瓣 把花瓣粘在一起 蒸软它们

8. Fans will put dust in the air, the dust will go in your lungs.

风扇会吹起尘土 尘土会进入你们的肺

9. And it always puzzled me because our folks taught us that we was created from dust and to the dust we would return.

我一直挺纳闷的 因为 老辈们教导我们说 我们生于尘土 也归于尘土

10. And as if that wasn't bad enough, the bed in my room had a dust ruffle, which, to my young mind, only meant one thing: there was dust.

还嫌那情况不够糟似的 我房间的床有防尘罩 在我幼小的头脑里 这只意味着一件事 这里有尘
