
shrub怎么读: 音标[ʃrʌb]
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◎ shrub是什么意思

n. 矮树, 灌木, 果汁甜酒

n. a low woody perennial plant usually having several major stems


1. What a puny shrub of disappointment you turned out to be.


2. Watch where you're sticking those branches, shrub.

你这些枝子往哪里戳呢 木头

3. Yes, on the other side of the shrubs. It's *all.

有的 在灌木的另一侧 非常小

4. I'm tired of finding these things in my shrubs.


5. There was also a planet that was made completely of shrubs.


6. It's the leaves of a shrub that you chew like tobacco.

一种灌木的叶子 可以像烟草一样嚼

7. He's the last one found him way off in some shrubs.

他是最后一个 在灌木丛找到的

8. Sometimes when he's been overserved, he falls asleep in shrubs.

人家给他上太多酒时 有时候他会睡到灌木丛里

9. She hit the edge of a trampoline and rolled off into soft shrubs.

她撞上蹦床的边缘 滚到柔软的灌木丛里

10. But I figure I'll either be back together with him or eating myself to death in his shrubs.

但我准备要么和他复合 要么躲在他家门口的灌木丛里暴食而死
