
adulthood怎么读: 音标[ә'dʌlthud]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ adulthood是什么意思

n. 成年
[医] 成人期

n. the period of time in your life after your physical growth has stopped and you are fully developed
n. the state (and responsibilities) of a person who has attained maturity


1. That's all *hood is worrying about fish.

成年就是那样 为鱼操心

2. Not that I want to miss out on your *hood.


3. They were roommates for a chunk of their *hood.

他们成年后 做了很长时间的室友

4. Some patients make it to early *hood.


5. For the youngsters, this marks the arrival of *hood.

对于小企鹅来说 这意味着它们步入了成年

6. Now, you're very fortunate, because one of my specialties is *hood.

你现在非常幸运 因为我的一个特长就是我是大人

7. Darryl, welcome to the pliable ethics of *hood.

达瑞尔 这是*世界多变的道德

8. But I cannot understand why you're having such a hard time transitioning into *hood.

但我无法理解 你怎么就这么难以转变为真正的成年人

9. Onset of sleepwalking in *hood is less common than in children.

成年人中的梦游发病 没有儿童那样普遍

10. I'll give making friends another shot in *hood.

