
bracing怎么读: 音标['breisiŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ bracing是什么意思

a. 新鲜的, 凉爽的, 爽快的, 振奋精神的
n. 联条, 支撑物, 支柱, 背带

s. imparting vitality and energy


1. We should all brace ourselves for what's coming.

不管前途如何 我们都应该做好最坏的准备

2. It's not fair that you have braces and I don't.


3. Or brace yourself for a fullcourt press.


4. I had braces and those cokebottle glasses.

我还穿着背带裤 戴着厚底眼镜

5. No doubt. It could be the brace height.

毋庸置疑 或许是弦长问题

6. Thanks for the headsup on the braces.

刚刚的牙套情侣 谢谢你的提示

7. But you should brace yourself, because he winds up with me in the end.

但你要勇敢面对 因为他终究是我的

8. Just brace yourself for when he abandons you, too.

做好心理准备 他也会抛弃你的

9. They were distracted by my back brace.


10. Brace, you were not born for freedom.

布雷斯 你不是为自由而生
