
portico怎么读: 音标['pɒ:tikәu]
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◎ portico是什么意思

n. 门廊

n. a porch or entrance to a building consisting of a covered and often columned area


1. Hopefully under the portico where you won't get a shot.

很可能设在门廊下面 你没法下手的

2. You solved the whole thingcolumns and porticos.

所有的都解决了 支柱和门廊

3. Its wings, corridors, columns and porticos were transplanted onto the subcontinent.

它的两翼 走廊 立柱和门廊 被移植到了次大陆土地上

4. The approach is very dramatic, sweeping staircase up to this terrace, and in front of me looms this powerful portico.

通往歌剧院的路设计得很巧妙 漫长的楼梯一直延伸到这个露台上 在我面前 是宏伟的门廊

5. Crowds would gather in shady porticos like this to shop, socialize, or listen to the great philosophers of the age.

人们当时就是在这样的林荫门廊里 买东西 社交 聆听哲学大家的演讲
