
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ misappropriation是什么意思

[经] 侵吞, 挪用, 滥用

n. wrongful borrowing


1. But there was never any gross misappropriation of funds ever.


2. Hey, you laid hands on me, you misappropriated my vehicle, and then you got physical.

你向我动手 你挪了我的车 然后你还推我

3. Misappropriated client escrow funds, that's grand larceny under the law.

挪用委托人的代管资金 这可是重大盗窃罪

4. It includes the stipulation that you return $1.6 million in misappropriated funds.

这包括归还160万 挪用的*

5. You know, misappropriating funds and, um, bribing witnesses... something like that.

挪用* 还有 贿赂证人之类的

6. I couldn't stand the heat, but I'm afraid I didn't get out of the kitchen in time to recognize the misappropriation that was taking place.

我不够忍耐 我觉得我没能尽早离开厨房 意识到挪用经费的问题

7. So, unless you want to score yourself a oneway ticket out of here for misappropriating corporate property, you better destroy that *ing shit.

所以 除非你想让自己 因为侵占公司财物 被扫地出门 否则最好毁了这玩意儿
