
protest怎么读: 音标[prә'test]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ protest是什么意思

n. 抗议, 反对, 抗议书, 断言
v. 反对, 抗议, 断言

n. a formal and solemn declaration of objection
n. the act of protesting; a public (often organized) manifestation of dissent
n. the act of making a strong public expression of disagreement and disapproval
v. utter words of protest


1. We've been hit with anthem protests, protests to those protests, and, worse of all, concussions.

遭受国歌*事件 **事件 还有最惨的脑震荡

2. I wasn't attending the protest. I was watching the protest.

我没参与* 我只是旁观而已

3. What are you doing here? I'm protesting you.

你在这里干什么 我在*你

4. What they did to those protesters was horrible.


5. That's why there's gonna be protests, and that's why there should be.

所以一定要有示威 所以应该有示威

6. They were all protest and no solution.

只会* 提不出解决办法

7. But this is my first time at a protest.


8. There's to be a protest outside the brothel.


9. I mean, we were there to protest for peace.


10. I'd protest, but it occurs to me that you're unkillable.

我虽然不赞成 但是看起来你还死不了
