
binoculars怎么读: 音标[bi'nɒkjulәs]
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◎ binoculars是什么意思

n. 双目镜, 双筒镜
[机] 双目镜

n. an optical instrument designed for simultaneous use by both eyes


1. And my bird binoculars come in handy, too.


2. I just hope the neighbors don't have their binoculars out.

我只希望邻居 没拿望远镜出来看我

3. And bring your binoculars and wrist rocket.


4. Look at this from my particular set of binoculars.


5. you will see some binoculars, pick them up.

你会看到望远镜 拿起来

6. Three rows back. I'll bring my binoculars.

第三排 我得带望远镜了

7. Same with binocular vision and so on, and probably the same is true of language.

就像睁开双眼观察一样 可能语言也是这么回事

8. Looking through binoculars, spying on old ladies.

通过望远镜 监视老太太

9. If you're not gonna focus, just gimme the binoculars.

你要是不能专心 就把望远镜给我

10. I think we need a longer strap for these binoculars.

