
unbecoming怎么读: 音标[.ʌnbi'kʌmiŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ unbecoming是什么意思

a. 不适合的, 不合体的, 不相配的

s not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society


1. It's unbecoming for your troops to see you like this.


2. I cannot have my wife wrestling a manservant. It's unbecoming.

我不允许我妻子和仆人打架 这不成体统

3. Being a bad loser can be so unbecoming.


4. I think it's altogether a hazard, and so unbecoming.

我觉得这就是个危险的东西 一点都不得体

5. Evelyn, petty jealousy is as unbecoming on you as that outfit.

伊芙琳 嫉妒就跟这衣服一样不适合你

6. Your attitude is very unbecoming for a boy with your potential and intellect.

对于像你这样潜质和才能的男孩而言 你的态度非常不合适

7. In fact, they escalated it to conduct unbecoming an officer.

事实上 他们认为这个事件说明 我不适合当长官

8. It's unbecoming of this fine house and its noble history.

那与这幢漂亮的房子 高贵的历史格格不入

9. Perharps you should refrain from arguing in front of the child. It's unbecoming.

或许你们最好别在孩子面前争执 这样很失态

10. And it is *ing unbecoming, your lack of interest in the truth of his demise.

死得那么不体面 你竟然不愿挖掘他死亡的真相
