
flammable怎么读: 音标['flæmәbl]
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◎ flammable是什么意思

a. 易燃的, 可燃性的
[电] 可燃的

s. easily ignited


1. Yeah, but the dust it generates is flammable.

对 但是它产生的粉末是易燃的

2. The flammable liquid was only lighter fluid.


3. Any puke that's not flammable is a happy puke.


4. Yes, you said it's hydrogen. It's flammable.

你说是氢化物 所以是易燃的

5. As in old film stock. It's crazy flammable.

在老式胶卷里有 极度易燃

6. The stuff's toxic, not to mention extremely flammable.

这东西有毒 而且极其易燃

7. In a high concentration, the air and the flour are very flammable.

浓度高时 空气和面粉很易燃

8. The risk of a fire in a place so full of the flammable.

这地方这么多易燃物 要是着了火可就糟了

9. 凯伦·塞特曼 any sharp objects, flammables, or chemicals.

独生子女 任何尖锐物品 易燃物或化学物品

10. The explosions ignited the flammable vapors in the stratosphere.

爆炸引燃了平流层上空的 可燃气体
