
tragedy怎么读: 音标['trædʒidi]
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◎ tragedy是什么意思

n. 悲剧, 惨案, 悲剧作品
[法] 惨事, 灾难, 不辛

n. drama in which the protagonist is overcome by some superior force or circumstance; excites terror or pity


1. Now, I understand it can be hard to see tragedy for what it is until that tragedy befalls you or a loved one.

我明白 世人很难看清悲剧的本质 直到悲剧降临在自身或所爱的人身上

2. If he were innocent, it would be a tragedy.

如果他是无辜的 那很不幸

3. It would be a tragedy if you missed it.

你如果错过 就太可惜了

4. This is a tragedy for their parents, too.

对他们的父母来说 这也是一个悲剧

5. It is a terrible tragedy for all of them in there.


6. That, sir, is your tragedy, not hers.

先生 这是你的悲哀 不是她的

7. Some tragedies were averted, some were not.

有些悲剧得以避免 有的没有

8. Nick, this was a tragedy, but it's not why we're here.

尼克 这是很悲剧 但我们不是为此而来

9. Such a tragedy what happened to them.


10. You were there, the night of the tragedy.

灾难发生那晚 你在现场
