
corona怎么读: 音标['kɔrәnә]
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◎ corona是什么意思

n. 冠, 冠状物, 副冠, 根颈, 头顶, 牙冠, 檐板, 日冕, 月华, 日华, 电晕, 光圈
[计] 电晕, 冠

n. (botany) the trumpet-shaped or cup-shaped outgrowth of the corolla of a daffodil or narcissus flower
n. one or more circles of light seen around a luminous object
n. (anatomy) any structure that resembles a crown in shape


1. So you see here, the corona in super slow move.

看这里 日冕的运动相当缓慢

2. Okay, that's the corona mortis, or the crown of death.

是闭孔动脉的耻骨支 或者叫死亡冠

3. These are fibres, magnetic fibres, that make up the whole corona.

这些是磁感线 它们组成了整个日冕

4. Graduated corona high with a 3.9 gpa.

从月华高中毕业 平均绩点高达3.9

5. Remember, once you reach the upper atmosphere you'll know it because you'll be able to see the corona.

记住 一旦进入高空大气 你们就会知道 因为那时就能看到日冕了

6. All that energy that was keeping the corona at a million degrees now has an avenue to escape.

那些让日冕保持上百万度高温的能量 一下子奔涌而出

7. If you watch closely, the coronal loops that just happened to be there before the corona erupted, just disappear.

你仔细看的话 日冕喷发前 一些恰巧就在喷发位置的日冕环 就那样消失了

8. There's a very marked three dimensional aspect of having the suns corona coming from behind the moon the way it is.

一幅非常三维的画面 日冕从月球的后面慢慢出现 就是这样的景象

9. The corona of flame around the perimeter as the atmosphere is combining with the oxygen and the gas fumes in order to set everything on fire as well as total destruction of the shed.

火的外焰 随着空气中氧气和酒精蒸气的混合 把一切都点燃了 同时摧毁了整个酿酒棚
