
choppy怎么读: 音标['tʃɒpi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ choppy是什么意思

a. 猛地一动一停的, 突变的
[经] 震荡的

s. marked by abrupt transitions
s. rough with small waves


1. The choppy water's slowing the fleet down.


2. So you can look after the girl if it gets choppy.

如果路途中海浪太大 麻烦照顾一下这姑娘

3. You look a bit choppy, if you don't mind me saying.

如果你不介意我的话 你动作有点不连贯

4. I have a magazine over there with a photo of a chic, piecey, choppy bob.

我那边的杂志上有张 时尚又有棱角的短头发型图

5. Captain, looks like we're heading into some choppy waters.

船长 看来我们即将进入乱流区域

6. Maybe I should come along, help navigate any choppy waters.

也许我该一起去 帮你理清思路

7. The power supply's still choppy and oscillating in the lower region.

电力供应仍然不稳定 还在振荡于较低区域

8. I hope you know how to swim, sister, because these waters are going to get seriously choppy.

希望你会游泳 妹子 因为这里的浪非常急

9. I was in a relationship with a gay man, we broke up, and I've been navigating the choppy waters ever since.

我曾跟一个基佬拍拖过 我们掰了 从此我就情路坎坷

10. My steady hand at the wheel guiding the ship through choppy waters, inspiring all those who serve under me.

我稳健地掌舵 引导船只驶过惊涛骇浪 激励着所有在我手下工作的人
