
breakup怎么读: 音标['breikʌp]
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◎ breakup是什么意思

n. 分裂, 崩溃, 解散, 解体
[电] 停止

n the termination or disintegration of a relationship (between persons or nations)
n coming apart


1. This is like the easiest breakup in the history of breakups.


2. Oh, he told me the oldest breakup line in the breakup book.

他用了分手指南里 最老套的分手台词

3. I guess, with everything I've been through the past two years, a breakup is just a breakup.

我想过去两年里我经历了这么多 分手只是分手而已

4. No, I... it's a breakup, it's fresh.

不 我 是分手 我刚分的手

5. It was a break. It wasn't a breakup.

我們只是暫停 不是分手

6. I bought them as a breakup gift for myself.


7. I'm heartbroken over my breakup with amber.

和安柏分手 我心都碎了

8. Besides, this breakup has nothing to do with me.

再说了 这次分手又不是我的错

9. It's still my words about my breakup.


10. Let's do a little over, under on your breakup date.

我们来打个赌 赌你们几时分手
