
douse怎么读: 音标[daus]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ douse是什么意思

vt. 插入水中, 浇(或洒、泼)水在...上, 熄(灯、火等), 平息
vi. 浸泡
n. 泼洒

v. put out, as of a candle or a light
v. wet thoroughly
v. lower quickly
v. slacken


1. Douse those in water and hold over your faces.

把这个浇湿 然后拿这捂着脸

2. ...and he is currently dousing his apartment with accelerant.

他此刻正在他的住处内 泼洒助燃剂

3. The remains were doused in lye before they were buried.


4. You're not dousing it with gasoline and lighting it on fire.

没有把它浇满汽油 再一把火烧了

5. Oh my god, I should douse you in gasoline.

上帝 我应该把你淹死在汽油里

6. Making him dead before he was doused with lye.


7. You didn't douse yourself in cheap perfume for nothing.


8. It was doused with an accelerant, probably gasoline.

那具尸体被泼过某种助燃剂 很可能是汽油

9. It's too bad we can't just wheel these out and douse them all cryofluid.

只可惜我们不能 把这些冷却液推出去 直接泼到他们身上

10. I know, because, trust me, I've tried to douse mine.

我知道的 相信我 我试图熄灭它
