
Dewar怎么读: 音标['dju:ә]
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◎ Dewar是什么意思

n. [亦作d-]=Dewar flask

n. Scottish chemist and physicist noted for his work in cryogenics and his invention of the Dewar flask (1842-1923)


1. I believe I was talking to another employee as I was prepping one of the dewars.

我想我在和另一位员工说话 当时我在准备一个杜瓦瓶

2. The sun must be glinting off the solar panel and hitting the dewar.

太阳一定是被太阳能板反射 照到杜瓦瓶了

3. Sound's like someone's removing the victim's body from one of the dewars.

听起来有人从杜瓦瓶里 移出受害者的尸体

4. Well, we can store up to five whole body preservations in one dewar.

我们可以把五具完整的人体保存在 一个真空瓶里
