
newsreel怎么读: 音标['nju:zri:l]
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◎ newsreel是什么意思

n. 新闻影片

n. a short film and commentary about current events


1. Newsreel men are here with the cameras.

摄影记者到了 带着摄像机

2. This newsreel on manners is from that time.


3. Even the newsreel guys came roaring in.


4. I was concerned about their family that would see somebody in the newsreels.

我担心他们的家庭 会在新闻片上看到家人

5. Or maybe he was every inch the man we all remember from the newsreels.

或许他就完全是 新闻纪录片里的那个男人

6. Compared to survivors in newsreels I've seen they look more normal than I was expecting.

和新闻影片里看到的幸存者相比 他们看起来比我预想的正常许多
