
peacemaking怎么读: 音标['pi:s,meikiŋ]
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◎ peacemaking是什么意思

n. 调解, 调停
a. 调解的, 调停的


1. Melanie, you're the peacemaker in your group.

梅兰妮 你是姐妹淘里的和事佬

2. That is where our peacemaking efforts should now be.


3. I think I liked you better as a peacemaker.


4. They can't leave any influential peacemakers on the board.


5. Well, then, you don't need to play peacemaker.

好吧 那你不需要扮演和事佬

6. He could act as, uh, peacemaker for any dispute.

他可以做 任何不和的和事佬

7. This isn't the time for peacemakers, mi amor.

现在需要的不是求和者 亲爱的

8. Don't think you can infect us with your peacemaking.


9. All right, hope you haven't lost your edge now that you're a peacemaker.

你现在成了和事老 希望水平没下去

10. And whet not on these furious peers, for blessed are the peacemakers on earth.

不要给这些亲贵们的争吵火上添油了 这世上 和事佬才最有福
