
negligee怎么读: 音标[.negli:'ʒei]
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◎ negligee是什么意思

n. 随便的衣着, 休闲服, 女便服

n. a loose dressing gown for women


1. I came home, you were wearing that negligee.

我回到家时 你就穿着那件睡衣

2. Or at least a pink negligee with marabou feathers.


3. Okay, then it was somebody who looked and sounded exactly like you was in our bedroom, and was wearing your negligee.

好吧 那我就是和一个 样貌声音酷似你的人一起睡在我们的床上 而且她还穿着你的睡衣

4. I'm talking about when I just came home, and my negligee was all scrunched up on the floor, and the bed was messed up.

我在说我回到家的时候 我的睡衣在地上卷成一团 床上也乱作一团
