
madder怎么读: 音标['mædә]
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◎ madder是什么意思

n. 茜草属的植物, 茜草根, 人造茜草染料
[化] 茜草

n. Eurasian herb having small yellow flowers and red roots formerly an important source of the dye alizarin
v. color a moderate to strong red


1. You were standing, facing the wall, kicking it, getting madder and madder.

你站在那里 朝着墙 在踢墙 越来越生气 越来越生气

2. I tried to hang a picture, but I was madder than I thought.

我本来想挂一幅画 但后来我太火大了

3. This thing's madder than your mother on our wedding day.


4. Just when I thought things couldn't get any madder.


5. I'll be madder than a wet hen if anything happens to either of you.

如果你们出了什么事 我肯定会非常生气

6. You're madder than a oneeyed fox in a sack 'a honey maggots.


7. Even before my wedding, it seemed like the happier I was, the madder you got.

即使是我结婚前 似乎我越幸福 你就越恼火

8. Madder than the time I invited my prison pen pal to stay with us.

比那次我邀请监狱笔友和我们一起住 更生气

9. If you think I'd let her anywhere near that wicked *ile of yours before we're settled, you're madder than I thought.

你觉得在我们确定关系之前我会让她 看见你一脸坏笑的样子吗 真是疯了

10. The nettle juice on their skin will cause blistering, and the rose madder should produce blood in the urine.

皮肤上的荨麻汁会导致发疱 玫瑰红会让他们尿血
