
constabulary怎么读: 音标[kәn'stæbjulәri]
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◎ constabulary是什么意思

a. 警察的, 警官的
n. 警官队, 警察

n the force of policemen and officers


1. But it would seem it has been confiscated by the constabulary.


2. If you'd like to freshen up before the constabulary arrives.


3. ...I spoke with a constabulary at the highest level.


4. They're threatening the constabulary with legal action.


5. But, frankly, the local constabulary could've managed that.

但坦率来说 当地警察就可以处理

6. They'll find a constabulary bullet in him and let it go, i suppose.

他们发现他头上的子弹属于警察局之后 应该就随他去了吧

7. The constabulary has a suspect in custody for the recent spate of murders.

警察厅羁押了一个 近期一宗连环命案的嫌疑人

8. I got on the horn to the local constabulary, but they're about as helpful as a fart in a windstorm.

我去找了当地的治安巡逻队 但是他们在这样的暴风雨里只能帮上个屁忙

9. And the constabulary have a duty of care for people with mental health issues.

警察部队有责任关照 有精神健康问题的人

10. I want you to take the flag that's hanging in the rotunda of the constabulary, and bring it back to me.

我要你去拿走警区圆形大厅上的旗子 然后带回给我
