
sustenance怎么读: 音标['sʌstinәns]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ sustenance是什么意思

n. 生活资料, 生计, 食物, 支持
[法] 营养物, 维持, 支持

n. the act of sustaining life by food or providing a means of subsistence


1. Sustenance for the sea, from the sea.

为了出海准备的食物 都是海鲜

2. It's not just sustenance, it's an addiction.

血于你而言不止是养料 更是一种瘾

3. Leaving this place for sustenance of some kind.

我们去吃点东西 摄取养料

4. Killing animals for sustenance is a disgrace.


5. For the sustenance we are about to receive, we are truly thankful.

对于我们即将 被赐予的食物 我们衷心地感谢

6. So I've brought some cheer and sustenance to raise your spirits.

所以我给你们带了些点心 给你们鼓劲儿

7. But it gave me enough time to get some sustenance for you both.


8. Times of tragedy call for silence and sustenance.

不幸的时刻 让我们默哀并帮助受害者

9. Maybe freezedry them and hand them out to the poor as sustenance.


10. 马尼拉港口渔民 and we depend on fish and seafood for sustenance.

约瑟夫·波哥尼亚 靠着鱼类和其他海产品为生
