
ordnance怎么读: 音标['ɒ:dnәns]
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◎ ordnance是什么意思

n. 大炮, 军械, 武器

n military supplies
n large but transportable armament


1. Think of it as decommissioning unwanted ordnance.


2. It held against the largest nonnuclear ordnance the military has.


3. They've been pretty much cleaned out no weapons, no ordnance.

差不多都被搬空了 没有武器也没有军械

4. Any large force with any real ordnance, I don't know.

如果与大规模的武装部队交锋 我也不知道

5. Jerry, if you've been here before, you had to have known there was unexploded ordnance on this island.

杰瑞 如果你以前来过的话 应该会知道这座岛上 有未爆炸的武器

6. Frank, we cannot detonate without an ordnance expert.

法兰克 军械专家不在场我们不能擅自引爆

7. It's just our guys detonating some conventional ordnance.


8. So you bring me back every piece of explosive ordnance that they have.

你们去把军械库里 所有的炸药都给我带过来

9. We were sent to the base to check on old weapons ordnance.


10. And I've packed enough ordnance to fight a *all war.

我已经准备了大量的军火, 足以进行一场小型战争了
