
mailman怎么读: 音标['meilmæn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ mailman是什么意思

n. 邮递员

n. a man who delivers the mail


1. The mailman left this by the fountain.


2. The only person you'll ever see is the mailman.


3. One of my various brothersinlaw was a mailman.


4. I might be the happiest mailman in the world.


5. He's staring at me like I'm a cat in a mailman suit.

它盯着我的眼神 就像我是只扮成邮递员的猫

6. This turns out to be the mailman, we're gonna owe him an apology.

这要是邮递员 我们可得向他道歉

7. Now... it could be a random runin with a disgruntled mailman.

而现在 可能只是因为和闹情绪的邮差起了口角

8. If you're a mailman, you got barking dogs, and if you're a hooker, you got this.

如果你是个邮递员 你要面对狂吠的狗 如果你是个* 你就要面对这种情况

9. Mike, I know you're just the mailman, but I can't help thinking you did this.

麦克 我知道你只是个邮递员 但我总觉得是你动了手脚

10. He'd see the mailman at the grocery store and wanna leave.

