
ketosis怎么读: 音标[ki:'tәusis]
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◎ ketosis是什么意思

n. 酮症
[医] 酮病

n an abnormal increase of ketone bodies in the blood as in diabetes mellitus


1. I am focused and energized and fully in ketosis.

我现在注意力集中 精力充沛 十足酮症

2. So, I looked for evidence of starvation ketosis by *yzing some vitreous humor the squishy part of the eyeball and I couldn't find any ketone bodies there.

于是我分析了他的玻璃状液 也就是眼球上的粘着部分 试着找到饥饿性酮病的证据 却没有发现任何酮体
