
partake怎么读: 音标[pɑ:'teik]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ partake是什么意思

vt. 参与, 分担, 分享
vi. 分享, 参与, 带有

v. have some of the qualities or attributes of something
v. have, give, or receive a share of
v. consume


1. Then you can... partake in whatever it is you feel like partaking.

然后你再...去做 随便你想做的事

2. Well, you ought to think about partaking again.


3. inverted glass for those who cannot partake.

倒置的杯子 代表不能参与的人

4. You'll have to postpone partaking even in that.

就算只有这些 你也得过会再吃了

5. Only if you're partaking, otherwise he goes it alone.

除非你也嗑 否则就只有他能进去

6. And I partake of a whole lot of sedatives in between.


7. Turns out, you don't partake of your own company's service.

原来 你并不用自己公司的服务

8. I had to partake of my own supply, just to get through it.

我用了我自己的货 不然根本忍受不了

9. I I I was raised not to really... partake too much.


10. In fact, I've started to partake a bit myself.

事實上 我自己也開始吸了
