
racecar怎么读: 音标['reis,kɑ:]
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◎ racecar是什么意思

n. 赛车


1. He was a racecar driver the way I was a dog.

他是个赛车手 就像我是条狗

2. There's no question that racecar reducing works like a charm.


3. It was like kissing an Italian racecar driver at sunset.


4. You just took it in stride, talking about football and racecars.

你泰然处之 聊着足球和赛车

5. Never could quite see you hanging out with the racecar crowd.


6. Well, after that racecar thing, and then this week, she's back at work.

赛车出事后 这周她又回来工作了

7. God, I don't know any of those racecar drivers' names, but one of those guys.

天啊 我一个赛车手的名字都说不上来 但就是其中一位吧

8. as the guy see if a roadhugging racecar really can mobilize a manhole cover.

验证一辆贴地飞驰的赛车 是否真的能挪动井盖

9. Another story to watch is the resolution of the domesticassault allegations that have been levied against the former racecar driver.

另一则新闻是 对前任赛车手 家庭暴力指控的判决
