
insolvent怎么读: 音标[in'sɒlvәnt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ insolvent是什么意思

a. 无力偿还的, 破产的
n. 无力偿还者, 破产者

a. unable to meet or discharge financial obligations


1. and, it pains me now to say it, our lot as an insolvent flock of debtors.

这话我说出来还真难受 我们许多人都会变成债权人的破产羔羊

2. After your considerable outlay on lifestyle, this party and half a million dollars on a website, you're functionally insolvent.

有鉴于你的生活开支如此奔放 开了这么个派对 还花五十万买网站 你们正式破产了

3. So in order to prevent doom and insolvency, you and the ordainers have seized the strings of our king's frivolous purse.

所以为了避免厄运和破产 你们和神选者们就夺取 我们国王微薄的财富

4. They had over 600 trillion dollars in assets, and when they filed for bankruptcy, the other banks became insolvent over night.

他们的总资产超过六百万亿美金 当他们宣布破产时 其他银行一夜之间资不抵债
