
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ fired是什么意思

n. 因祸得福(电影名)

v start firing a weapon
v cause to go off
v bake in a kiln so as to harden
v terminate the employment of; discharge from an office or position
v go off or discharge
v drive out or away by or as if by fire
v call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
v destroy by fire
v provide with fuel
s having lost your job


1. No, no, you're on fire. I'm on fire.

不 不 你着火了 我火了

2. Yeah, I had to fight fire with fire, or in this case, fire ants with fire.

我只能以火攻火了 或者说 以火攻火蚁

3. If you don't sell a house, you're fired, fired, fired.

你要卖不出房子 就回家吧

4. And also, I'm not fired, these guys aren't fired, you all are fired.

还有 我没有被解雇 他们也没被解雇 是你们被解雇了

5. Taking fire, we're taking fire, we're taking fire.

遭受攻击 我们遭受攻击 我们遭受攻击

6. Well, if she's fired, I'm fired, too.

好吧 如果要炒她 那连我也炒了吧

7. If she wanted me fired, I'd be fired.

她想的话 我早就被解雇了

8. You fire, you are firing on my troops.

你要是开火 就是在攻击我的军队

9. If you're gonna fire him, then fire me too.

如果你要开他 把我也开了吧

10. Thinks you'd fire them. I would fire them.

怕你会炒了他们 我当然会炒了他们
